Sung Keun Lee, Seoul National University
Sung Keun Lee


G2MAT Lab: From Nuclear Spins to Planetary Evolution
Sung Keun Lee  Professor

Sung Keun Lee Professor

Professor of Earth Materials Science
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University.
Phone : (82)-2-880-6729
Fax : (82)-2-871-3269
Office : Building 25-1, Room 306
  • 2002.6Ph. D. Stanford University, Geological and Environmental Sciences
    Ph. D. Minor: Chemistry
  • 2001.6M. Eng. Stanford University, Chemical Engineering
  • 1997.8M.S. Seoul National University, Korea. Geological Sciences
  • 1994.2B.S. Seoul National University, Korea. Geological Sciences
    Magna Cum Laude, Minor: Materials Science and Engineering
Research Experiences
  • 2013 ~ presentProfessor, School of Earth and Environ. Sciences Seoul National University
  • 2008 – 2013Associate Professor (with an early tenure), School of Earth and Environ. Sciences Seoul National University
  • 2004 – 2008Assistant Professor, School of Earth and Environ. Sciences Seoul National University
  • 2002 – 2004Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellow, Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington
    (Mentors: Drs. Bjorn Mysen, George Cody, Yingwei Fei, & Ho-kwang Mao)
  • 1998 – 2002Stanford Graduate Fellow, Stanford University (Advisor: Prof. Jonathan Stebbins)
  • 1997 – 1998Research assistant, Stanford University (Advisor: Prof. Jonathan Stebbins)
  • 1994 – 1997Research assistant, Seoul National University (Advisor: Prof. Soojin Kim)
  • 2011 – 2012Visiting Associate in Geochemistry, School of Geol. and Planet. Sciences California Institute of Technology
Research Interest
  • Physics and Chemistry of Earth Materials/ High Temperature-Pressure Geochemistry/ Mineral Physics/ Solid Earth Geophysics/ Condensed Matter Physics of Glass/ Physical Chemistry
Selected Publications
  • Lee, S. K., Yi, Y., Kim, Y., Kim, H., Chow, P., Xiao, Y., Eng, P., Shen, G., Imaging of the electronic bonding of diamond at pressures up to two million atmospheres. Science Advances 9 eadg4159 (2023)
  • Kim, Y.-H., Yi, Y. S., Chow, P., Xiao, Y., Ji, C., & Shen, G., Lee, S. K., Pressure-driven changes in electronic bonding environment of GeO2 glass above megabar pressures. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 10025–10033 (2022)
  • Lee, S. K., Lee, A. C. and Kweon, J. J., Probing medium-range order in oxide glasses at high pressure. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 1330-1338 (2021)
  • Lee, S. K., Mosenfelder, J., Park, S. Y., Lee, A. C., and Asimow, P., Configurational entropy of basaltic melts in Earth’s mantle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 21938-21944 (2020)
  • Lee, S. K., Kim, Y.-H., Yi, Y. S., Chow, P., Xiao, Y., Ji, C., & Shen, G., Oxygen quadclusters in SiO2 glass above megabar pressures up to 160 GPa revealed by X-ray Raman scattering. Physical Review Letters 123 235701 (2019) selected as editor’s suggestion
  • Lee, S. K., Kim, Y.-H., Chow, P., Xiao, Y., Ji, C., and Shen, G., Amorphous boron oxide at megabar pressures: A view from inelastic X-ray scattering. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 5855-5860 (2018), research highlighted for APS as one of selected experimental breakthroughs in 2018
  • Lee, S. K. & Ryu, S. B., Direct probing of triply coordinated oxygen in amorphous Al2O3. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9 150-156 (2018)
  • Lee, S. K., Han, R., Kim, E.J., Jeong, G.Y., Kihm H., Hirose, T., Quasi-equilibrium melting of quartzite upon extreme friction. Nature Geoscience 10 436–441 (2017)
  • Lee, S. K., & Ahn, C. W. Probing of 2 dimensional confinement-induced structural transitions in amorphous oxide thin film. Scientific Reports 4 4200 (2014)
  • Lee, S. K., Eng, P.J., & Mao, H. Probing of pressure-induced bonding transitions in crystalline and amorphous Earth materials: Insights from X-ray Raman scattering at high pressure. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 78 139-174 (2014)–invited review article
  • Lee, S. K. Simplicity in melt densification in multi-component magmatic reservoirs in earth’s interior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 6847-6852 (2011)
  • Lee, S. K. Lee, S.B., Park. S.Y., Yi, Y.S., Ahn, C.W. Structure of amorphous aluminum oxides: highresolution Al-27 NMR study. Physical Review Letters 103 095501 (2009)
  • Lee, S. K. , Lin, J-F, Cai, Y. Q., Hiraoka, N., Eng, P. J., Okuchi, T., Mao, H., Meng, Y., Hu, M.Y., Chow, P., Shu, J., Li, B., Fukui, H., Lee, B.H., Kim, H.N., Yoo, C.S. X-ray Raman scattering study of MgSiO3 glass at high pressure: Implication for triclustered MgSiO3 melt in Earth's mantle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 7925-7929 (2008)
  • Lee, S. K., Eng, P. Mao, H.K. Meng, Y. & Shu, J.F. Structure of alkali borate glasses at high pressure. Physical Review Letters 98 105502 (2007)
  • Lee, S. K. Microscopic origins of macroscopic properties of silicate melts and glasses: Implications for melt generation and dynamics. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 3695-3710 (2005)
  • Lee, S. K., Eng, P., Mao, H.K., Meng, Y. Newville, M., Hu, M.Y & Shu, J. Direct probing of bonding changes in borate glasses at high pressure. Nature Materials 4 851 (2005)
  • Lee, S. K. Mibe, K. Mysen, B.O, Cody, G.D., & Fei, Y. Structure of B2O3 glasses at high pressure: B-11 solid state NMR study. Physical Review Letters 94 165507 (2005)
  • Lee, S. K. Structure of oxide glasses and melts at high pressure: Quantum chemical calculations & Solid State NMR. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 5889-5900 (2004)
  • Lee, S. K. & Stebbins, J. F. The extent of inter-mixing among framework units in silicate glasses and melts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 303-309 (2002)
Honors & Awards
  • 2024. 8Plenary Speaker, the 37th International Geologic Congress
  • 2022. 11The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) Fellow
  • 2022. 9National Academy of Science Award, The National Academy of Science, Korea
  • 2021. 8Axford Lecturer, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS): Plenary lecture
  • 2020. 3Innovative Teaching Award, School of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University
  • 2020Associate Editor, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
  • 2017. 12Outstanding Research Award, The Geological Society of Korea
  • 2015. 9Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University
  • 2015Editorial Board Member, Scientific Reports
  • 2014. 9Hallym leading scientists 2014, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology
  • 2014Associate Editor, Frontiers in Earth Science, Earth and Planetary Materials
  • 2010. 5Young Mineralogist Award, The Mineralogical Society of Korea
  • 2009. 10Best Paper Award, Earth science Division, National Research Foundation, Korea
  • 2008. 10Promoted to Associate Professor with an early tenure, Seoul National University
  • 2008. 4Outstanding Research Award, School of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University
  • 2007. 7The PI’s lab is selected as one of the National Research Laboratories, Korean Science & Engineering Foundation
  • 2007. 6Outstanding Faculty Award, School of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University
  • 2007. 3Innovative Research Fellowship, School of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University
  • 2006. 11Young Geologist Award, Geological Society of Korea
  • 2005 - 2007 Young Scientist Award, Korea Research Foundation
  • 2002 - 2004 Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellowship at Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Carnegie Fellow.
  • 1998 - 2002 Stanford Graduate Fellowship, Stanford Graduate Fellow.
  • 2001Shell Fund, Stanford University
  • 1997 Department Fellowship, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University
  • 1994Top honor graduate, Geological Sciences. Seoul National University