Sung Keun Lee, Seoul National University
Sung Keun Lee


G2MAT Lab: From Nuclear Spins to Planetary Evolution
As for the honor code and take home exams by Prof. Lee SK; 서울대학교 자연과학대학 소식지-학생존중과 신뢰의 결과 (이성근 교수)  
Introduction to Earth System Sciences
Introduction to Geology
Introduction to Geochemistry
Earth Materials Science: Mineralogy
Rock and Minerals              Energy

Introduction to Volcanology
Introduction to Mineral Physics
Quantum Chemical Calculations: Applications in Geochemistry
Experimental Methods in Earth Materials Science: Scattering and Spectroscopy
Structure and Properties of Silicate Glasses, Melts, & Magmas
Graduate Seminar in School of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Following is the list of classes that I had a great pleasure to take at Stanford and Seoul National University as a graduate student.

CLASSES (Stanford University)
Total 34 Lecture classes with GPA of 3.92/4.00
Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences and Geophysics
(1) Physics and chemistry of minerals, melts and mineral surfaces
(2) Petrologic phase equilibria
(3) Low temperature aqueous geochemistry (Aquatic chemistry)
(4) Thermodynamics and disorder in melts and crystals
(5) Structures and dynamics of silicate melts and glasses (*)
(6) Environmental geochemistry (*)
(7) Reservoir geomechanics
(8) Exploring geosciences using Matlab
(9) Education in geosciences (seminar)
(10) Seminar in planetary geology and the origin of life (seminar)
(11) Tectonophysis
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
(1) Physical chemistry (undergraduate quantum chemistry)
(2) Advanced physical chemistry I (advanced quantum mechanics I)
(3) Advanced physical chemistry II (advanced quantum mechanics II: group theory)
(4) Advanced physical chemistry III (quantum statistical mechanics and kinetic theory)
(5) Advanced physical chemistry IV (time dependent statistical mechanics)
(6) Application of NMR spectroscopy
(7) Statistical mechanics for thermophysical property calculation: Molecular thermodynamics
(8) Selected topics in advanced physical chemistry-Molecular motions in fluid
(9) Quantum simulation in materials I
(10) Spectroscopy and application of quantum mechanics
(11) Quantum simulations in materials II
(12) Colloid and interface sciences
(13) Ultra sensitive laser spectroscopy
(14) Advanced inorganic chemistry: Organometallic chemistry
(15) Advanced physical chemistry seminar, 2 quarters and Chemical Eng. colloquium.
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
(1) Solid state thermodynamics
(2) Waves and diffractions of solids
(3) Electric and magnetic properties of solids
(4) The electronic structures of surfaces and interfaces
(5) Rate processes in materials (6)_Nanoscale science, engineering and technology
Department of Physics and Applied Physics
(1) Condensed matter theory I
(2) Mesoscopic physics and nanostructures
(3) Quantum information.
Department of Linguistics and School of Engineering
(1) Advanced English writing (2) Listening comprehension (3) Public speaking
* audit

CLASSES (Seoul National University)
Total 8 lecture classes with GPA of 4.00/4.00
Dept. of Geological and Environmental Sciences (4)
(1) Advanced ore deposits
(2) Experimental petrology
(3) X-ray crystallography
(4) Clay mineralogy
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering (4)
(1) Theory of solidification
(2) Advanced thermodynamics
(3) Statistical thermodynamics
(4) Calculation of phase equilibria