Sung Keun Lee established a research group that focuses on challenging problems in Earth Science at Seoul National University (2004). In particular, the members of the lab are interested in exploring the structural evolution of diverse earth materials under extreme environments (e.g.,pressure, friction, and temperature), rendering the detailed relationship between the atomic structures and relevant geological processes in planetary interiors. Specifically, his group has recently unveiled atomistic origins of mantle melting in the Earth interiors, large magnitude earthquakes, and surface processes using an arsenal of spectroscopic techniques (e.g., solid-state NMR) and synchrotron facilities, together with quantum mechanical calculations. The progress and advances have a wide range of applications in mineral physics/solid earth geophysics/geochemistry as well as condensed matter physics/physical chemistry/materials sciences.
서울대 자연대 대학원에서 '연구뭐하지?' [19편] 지구물질과학실험실 (지구환경과학부 이성근 교수)_국영문자막 - YouTube