Bumhan Lee Ph.D.
Graduate year : 2011
Korea Institute of Geoscience And Mineral resources (KIGAM)
[Title of Thesis]
Probing interactions between earth materials and fluids at the atomic and micrometer scale : Insights from quantum chemical calculations and NMR micro-imaging
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Young Il lee, Jun Mo Kim/KangKun Lee, & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science Prof. Insuk Yu: Seoul National University, Dept. Physics & Astronomy Prof. Youngseuk Keehm: Kongju National University, Department of Geoenvironmental Sciences
[1st author publication- international journal]
Lee, B. H., and Lee, S. K., Effect of lattice topology on the adsorption of benzyl alcohol on kaolinite surfaces: Quantum chemical calculations of geometry optimization, binding energy, and NMR chemical shielding. American Mineralogist, 94 1392-1404 (2009)
Lee, B. H., and Lee, S. K., Effects of specific surface area and porosity on cube counting fractal dimension, lacunarity, configurational entropy, and permeability of model porous networks: random packing simulations and NMR micro-imaging study. Journal of Hydrology, 496 122-141 (2013)
Lee, B. H. and Lee, S. K., Probing water distribution in porous model sands with two immiscible fluids: A nuclear magnetic resonance micro-imaging study. Journal of Hydrology, 553 637-650 (2017)
Probing interactions between earth materials and fluids at the atomic and micrometer scale : Insights from quantum chemical calculations and NMR micro-imaging
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Young Il lee, Jun Mo Kim/KangKun Lee, & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science Prof. Insuk Yu: Seoul National University, Dept. Physics & Astronomy Prof. Youngseuk Keehm: Kongju National University, Department of Geoenvironmental Sciences
[1st author publication- international journal]
Lee, B. H., and Lee, S. K., Effect of lattice topology on the adsorption of benzyl alcohol on kaolinite surfaces: Quantum chemical calculations of geometry optimization, binding energy, and NMR chemical shielding. American Mineralogist, 94 1392-1404 (2009)
Lee, B. H., and Lee, S. K., Effects of specific surface area and porosity on cube counting fractal dimension, lacunarity, configurational entropy, and permeability of model porous networks: random packing simulations and NMR micro-imaging study. Journal of Hydrology, 496 122-141 (2013)
Lee, B. H. and Lee, S. K., Probing water distribution in porous model sands with two immiscible fluids: A nuclear magnetic resonance micro-imaging study. Journal of Hydrology, 553 637-650 (2017)

Hyunna Kim Ph.D.
Graduate year : 2014
Assistant Professor, Kongju National University (2015. 9~)
[Title of Thesis]
Atomic-scale mechanisms of dehydration processes in earths near-surface environments: high-resolution solid-state NMR study of temperature-induced structural transitions in amorphous/crystalline oxide nanoparticles and zeolites
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Young Il lee, Haemyeong Jung, & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science
Prof. Insuk Yu: Seoul National University, Dept. Physics & Astronomy
Prof. Yeongkyoo Kim: Kyungpook National University, Department of Geology
[1st author publication- international journal]
Kim, H. N. and Lee, S. K., Effect of particle size on phase transitions in metastable alumina nanoparticles: A view from high-resolution solid-state 27Al MAS and 3QMAS NMR. American Mineralogist, 98 1198-1210 (2013)
Kim, H. N. and Lee, S. K., Atomic structure and dehydration mechanism of amorphous silica: Insights from 29Si and 1H solid-state MAS NMR study of SiO2 nanoparticles. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 120 39-64 (2013)
Kim, H. N. and Lee, S. K., Temperature-induced amorphization of Na-zeolite A: A view from multi-nuclear high-resolution solid-state NMR. American Mineralogist, 99 1996-2007 (2014)
Atomic-scale mechanisms of dehydration processes in earths near-surface environments: high-resolution solid-state NMR study of temperature-induced structural transitions in amorphous/crystalline oxide nanoparticles and zeolites
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Young Il lee, Haemyeong Jung, & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science
Prof. Insuk Yu: Seoul National University, Dept. Physics & Astronomy
Prof. Yeongkyoo Kim: Kyungpook National University, Department of Geology
[1st author publication- international journal]
Kim, H. N. and Lee, S. K., Effect of particle size on phase transitions in metastable alumina nanoparticles: A view from high-resolution solid-state 27Al MAS and 3QMAS NMR. American Mineralogist, 98 1198-1210 (2013)
Kim, H. N. and Lee, S. K., Atomic structure and dehydration mechanism of amorphous silica: Insights from 29Si and 1H solid-state MAS NMR study of SiO2 nanoparticles. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 120 39-64 (2013)
Kim, H. N. and Lee, S. K., Temperature-induced amorphization of Na-zeolite A: A view from multi-nuclear high-resolution solid-state NMR. American Mineralogist, 99 1996-2007 (2014)

Sun Young Park Ph.D.
Graduate year : 2016
Korea Institute of Geoscience And Mineral resources (KIGAM)
[Title of Thesis]
Probing the structure and the disorder of multi-component silicate glasses and melts: Insights from high-resolution solid-state NMR
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Insung Lee, Youngsook Huh, & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science
Dr. Oc Hee Han: Korea Basic Science Institute
Prof. Yeongkyoo Kim: Kyungpook National University, Department of Geology
[1st author publication- international journal]
Park, S. Y., and Lee, S. K., Structure and disorder in basaltic glasses and melts: Insights from high-resolution solid-state NMR study of glasses in diopside-Ca-tschermakite join and diopside-anorthite eutectic composition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 80 125-142 (2012)
Park, S. Y. and Lee, S. K., High-resolution solid-state NMR study of the effect of composition on network connectivity and structural disorder in multi-component glasses in the diopside and jadeite join: implications for structure of andesitic melts. Geochimica et Cosmochim Acta, 147 26-42 (2014)
Park, S. Y. and Lee, S. K., Effects of difference in ionic radii on chemical ordering in mixed-cation silicate glasses: Insights from solid-state 17O and 7Li NMR of Li-Ba silicate glasses. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 99 3948-3956 (2016)
Park, S. Y. and Lee, S. K., Probing the structure of Fe-free model basaltic glasses: A view from a solid-state 27Al and 17O NMR study of Na-Mg silicate glasses, Na2O-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 glasses, and synthetic Fe-free KLB-1 basaltic glasses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 238 563-579 (2018)
Probing the structure and the disorder of multi-component silicate glasses and melts: Insights from high-resolution solid-state NMR
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Insung Lee, Youngsook Huh, & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science
Dr. Oc Hee Han: Korea Basic Science Institute
Prof. Yeongkyoo Kim: Kyungpook National University, Department of Geology
[1st author publication- international journal]
Park, S. Y., and Lee, S. K., Structure and disorder in basaltic glasses and melts: Insights from high-resolution solid-state NMR study of glasses in diopside-Ca-tschermakite join and diopside-anorthite eutectic composition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 80 125-142 (2012)
Park, S. Y. and Lee, S. K., High-resolution solid-state NMR study of the effect of composition on network connectivity and structural disorder in multi-component glasses in the diopside and jadeite join: implications for structure of andesitic melts. Geochimica et Cosmochim Acta, 147 26-42 (2014)
Park, S. Y. and Lee, S. K., Effects of difference in ionic radii on chemical ordering in mixed-cation silicate glasses: Insights from solid-state 17O and 7Li NMR of Li-Ba silicate glasses. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 99 3948-3956 (2016)
Park, S. Y. and Lee, S. K., Probing the structure of Fe-free model basaltic glasses: A view from a solid-state 27Al and 17O NMR study of Na-Mg silicate glasses, Na2O-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 glasses, and synthetic Fe-free KLB-1 basaltic glasses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 238 563-579 (2018)

Yoo Soo Yi Ph.D.
Graduate year : 2017
Korea Polar Research Institute of Marine Research Placement (KOPRI)
[Title of Thesis]
Pressure-induced changes in local electronic structures of crystalline and noncrystalline SiO2 and MgSiO3 phases in Earth’s interior: Insights from ab initio calculations of X-ray Raman scattering spectrum
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Haemyeong Jung, Junkee Rhie, & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science
Prof. Jaejun Yu: Seoul National University, Dept. Physics & Astronomy
Prof. Kideok Kwon: Kangwon National University, Department of Geology
[1st author publication- international journal]
Yi, Y. S., and Lee, S. K., Pressure-induced changes in local electronic structure of SiO2 and MgSiO3 polymorphs: Insights from ab initio calculations of O K-edge energy-loss near-edge structure spectroscopy. American Mineralogist, 97 897-909 (2012)
Yi, Y. S. and Lee, S. K., Atomistic origins of pressure-induced changes in the O K-edge X-ray Raman Scattering Features of SiO2 and MgSiO3 polymorphs: Insights from first-principles calculations. Physical Review B, 94 094110 (2016)
Pressure-induced changes in local electronic structures of crystalline and noncrystalline SiO2 and MgSiO3 phases in Earth’s interior: Insights from ab initio calculations of X-ray Raman scattering spectrum
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Haemyeong Jung, Junkee Rhie, & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science
Prof. Jaejun Yu: Seoul National University, Dept. Physics & Astronomy
Prof. Kideok Kwon: Kangwon National University, Department of Geology
[1st author publication- international journal]
Yi, Y. S., and Lee, S. K., Pressure-induced changes in local electronic structure of SiO2 and MgSiO3 polymorphs: Insights from ab initio calculations of O K-edge energy-loss near-edge structure spectroscopy. American Mineralogist, 97 897-909 (2012)
Yi, Y. S. and Lee, S. K., Atomistic origins of pressure-induced changes in the O K-edge X-ray Raman Scattering Features of SiO2 and MgSiO3 polymorphs: Insights from first-principles calculations. Physical Review B, 94 094110 (2016)

Eun Jeong Kim Ph.D.
Graduate year : 2019
Humboldt Fellow, Bavarian Research Institute of Experimental Geochemistry and Geophysics (BGI), Univ
[Title of Thesis]
Pressure-induced changes in carbon speciation and atomic structures of carbon-bearing silicate glasses and crystals in Earth's mantle up to 14 GPa: Insights from multi-nuclear solid-state NMR and Raman spectroscopy
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Jinho Ahn, Jung-Woo Park, & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science
Dr. Oc Hee Han: Korea Basic Science Institute
Prof. Yongjae Lee, Yonsei University, Dept. Earth System Science
Prof. Kee Hoon Kim: Seoul National University, Dept. Physics & Astronomy
[1st author publication- international journal]
Kim, E. J., Fei, Y., and Lee. S. K., Probing carbon species and CO2 inclusion in MgSiO3 enstatite at 1.5 GPa: Insights from 13C high-resolution solid-state NMR. American Mineralogist, 101 5 (2016)
Kim, E. J., Fei, Y., and Lee. S. K., Effect of pressure on the short-range structure and speciation of carbon in alkali silicate and aluminosilicate glasses and melts at high pressure up to 8 GPa: 13C, 27Al, 17O, and 29Si solid-state NMR study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 224 327-343 (2018)
Kim, E. J., Kim, Y.-H., Lee, S. K., Pressure-induced structural transitions in Na-Li silicate glasses under compression. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 26608-26622 (2019)
Pressure-induced changes in carbon speciation and atomic structures of carbon-bearing silicate glasses and crystals in Earth's mantle up to 14 GPa: Insights from multi-nuclear solid-state NMR and Raman spectroscopy
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Jinho Ahn, Jung-Woo Park, & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science
Dr. Oc Hee Han: Korea Basic Science Institute
Prof. Yongjae Lee, Yonsei University, Dept. Earth System Science
Prof. Kee Hoon Kim: Seoul National University, Dept. Physics & Astronomy
[1st author publication- international journal]
Kim, E. J., Fei, Y., and Lee. S. K., Probing carbon species and CO2 inclusion in MgSiO3 enstatite at 1.5 GPa: Insights from 13C high-resolution solid-state NMR. American Mineralogist, 101 5 (2016)
Kim, E. J., Fei, Y., and Lee. S. K., Effect of pressure on the short-range structure and speciation of carbon in alkali silicate and aluminosilicate glasses and melts at high pressure up to 8 GPa: 13C, 27Al, 17O, and 29Si solid-state NMR study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 224 327-343 (2018)
Kim, E. J., Kim, Y.-H., Lee, S. K., Pressure-induced structural transitions in Na-Li silicate glasses under compression. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 26608-26622 (2019)

Hyo-Im Kim Ph.D.
Graduate year : 2019
Assistant Professor, Gyung Sang National University
[Title of Thesis]
Nature of polymerization, structural disorder, and properties of iron-bearing silicate and aluminosilicate glasses and melts : Insights from high-resolution 29Si, 27Al and 17O solid-state NMR
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Youngsook Huh, Jung-Woo Park, & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science
Dr. Oc Hee Han: Korea Basic Science Institute
Dr. Changkun Park: Korea Polar Research Institute
[1st author publication- international journal]
Kim, H.-I., Sur, J. C., and Lee, S. K., Effect of iron content on the structure and disorder of iron-bearing sodium silicate glasses: A high-resolution 29Si and 17O solid-state NMR study. Geochimica et Cosmochim Acta, 173 160-180 (2016)
Kim, H.-I. and Lee, S. K., The degree of polymerization and structural disorder in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 glasses and melts: Insights from high-resolution 29Si and 17O solid-state NMR. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 250 268-291 (2019)
Kim, H.-I. and Lee, S. K., Extent of disorder in iron-bearing albite and anorthite melts: Insights from multi-nuclear (29Si, 27Al, and 17O) solid-state NMR study of iron-bearing NaAlSi3O8 and CaAl2Si2O8 glasses. Chemical Geology, 538 119498 (2020)
Nature of polymerization, structural disorder, and properties of iron-bearing silicate and aluminosilicate glasses and melts : Insights from high-resolution 29Si, 27Al and 17O solid-state NMR
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Youngsook Huh, Jung-Woo Park, & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science
Dr. Oc Hee Han: Korea Basic Science Institute
Dr. Changkun Park: Korea Polar Research Institute
[1st author publication- international journal]
Kim, H.-I., Sur, J. C., and Lee, S. K., Effect of iron content on the structure and disorder of iron-bearing sodium silicate glasses: A high-resolution 29Si and 17O solid-state NMR study. Geochimica et Cosmochim Acta, 173 160-180 (2016)
Kim, H.-I. and Lee, S. K., The degree of polymerization and structural disorder in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 glasses and melts: Insights from high-resolution 29Si and 17O solid-state NMR. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 250 268-291 (2019)
Kim, H.-I. and Lee, S. K., Extent of disorder in iron-bearing albite and anorthite melts: Insights from multi-nuclear (29Si, 27Al, and 17O) solid-state NMR study of iron-bearing NaAlSi3O8 and CaAl2Si2O8 glasses. Chemical Geology, 538 119498 (2020)

A Chim Lee Ph.D.
Graduate year : 2022
Korea Institute of Geoscience And Mineral resources (KIGAM)
[Title of Thesis]
Pressure-induced structural evolutions of boron-bearing rhyolitic glasses and origins of deep boron cycle in the upper mantle: Insights from high-resolution multi-nuclear solid-state NMR spectroscopy
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Youngsook Huh, YoungHee Kim, Jung-Woo Park & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science
Dr. Oc Hee Han: Korea Basic Science Institute
[1st author publication- international journal]
Lee, A. C. and Lee, S. K., Network polymerization and cation coordination environments in boron-bearing rhyolitic melts: Insights from 17O, 11B, and 27Al solid-state NMR of sodium aluminoborosilicate glasses with varying boron content, Geochimica et Cosmochim Acta, 268 325-347 (2020)
Lee, A. C. and Lee, S. K., Effect of composition on structural evolution and NMR parameters of quadrupolar nuclides in sodium borate and aluminoborosilicate glasses: a view from high-resolution 11B, 27Al, and 17O solid-state NMR, Journal of Non-Crytalline Solids, 555 120271 (2021)
Lee, A. C., Kim, E. J., and Lee, S. K., Pressure-induced structural evolution in boron-bearing model rhyolitic glasses under compression: Implications for boron isotope compositions and properties of deep melts in Earth's interior. Geochimica et Cosmochim Acta, 332 220-238 (2022)
Pressure-induced structural evolutions of boron-bearing rhyolitic glasses and origins of deep boron cycle in the upper mantle: Insights from high-resolution multi-nuclear solid-state NMR spectroscopy
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Youngsook Huh, YoungHee Kim, Jung-Woo Park & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science
Dr. Oc Hee Han: Korea Basic Science Institute
[1st author publication- international journal]
Lee, A. C. and Lee, S. K., Network polymerization and cation coordination environments in boron-bearing rhyolitic melts: Insights from 17O, 11B, and 27Al solid-state NMR of sodium aluminoborosilicate glasses with varying boron content, Geochimica et Cosmochim Acta, 268 325-347 (2020)
Lee, A. C. and Lee, S. K., Effect of composition on structural evolution and NMR parameters of quadrupolar nuclides in sodium borate and aluminoborosilicate glasses: a view from high-resolution 11B, 27Al, and 17O solid-state NMR, Journal of Non-Crytalline Solids, 555 120271 (2021)
Lee, A. C., Kim, E. J., and Lee, S. K., Pressure-induced structural evolution in boron-bearing model rhyolitic glasses under compression: Implications for boron isotope compositions and properties of deep melts in Earth's interior. Geochimica et Cosmochim Acta, 332 220-238 (2022)

Yong-Hyun Kim Ph.D.
Graduate year : 2023
Seoul National University
[Title of Thesis]
Bonding transitions in amorphous oxides and metals in Earth's and super-Earth's interior: Insights from X-ray Raman scattering and X-ray emission spectroscopy above megabar pressure
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Junkee Rhie, YoungHee Kim, Jung-Woo Park, & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science
Dr. Duck Young Kim: Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR), China
[1st author publication- international journal]
Kim, Y.-H., Yi, Y. S., Kim, H.-I., Chow, P., Xiao, Y., Shen, G., & Lee, S. K., Structural transitions in MgSiO3 glasses and melts at the core-mantle boundary observed via inelastic x-ray scattering, Geophysical Research Letters, 46 13756-13764 (2019)
Kim, Y.-H., Yi, Y. S., Kim, H.-I., Chow, P., Xiao, Y., Shen, G., & Lee, S. K., Pressure-driven changes in the electronic bonding environment of GeO2 glass above megabar pressures, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144 10025-10033 (2022)
Bonding transitions in amorphous oxides and metals in Earth's and super-Earth's interior: Insights from X-ray Raman scattering and X-ray emission spectroscopy above megabar pressure
[Thesis Committee]
Profs. Junkee Rhie, YoungHee Kim, Jung-Woo Park, & Sung Keun Lee: Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Science
Dr. Duck Young Kim: Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR), China
[1st author publication- international journal]
Kim, Y.-H., Yi, Y. S., Kim, H.-I., Chow, P., Xiao, Y., Shen, G., & Lee, S. K., Structural transitions in MgSiO3 glasses and melts at the core-mantle boundary observed via inelastic x-ray scattering, Geophysical Research Letters, 46 13756-13764 (2019)
Kim, Y.-H., Yi, Y. S., Kim, H.-I., Chow, P., Xiao, Y., Shen, G., & Lee, S. K., Pressure-driven changes in the electronic bonding environment of GeO2 glass above megabar pressures, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144 10025-10033 (2022)

Hoon Kim M.S.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Saeborn Ryu M.S.
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technoloty(SAIT)

A Chim Lee M.S.
Ph. D Student at G2MAT

Eun Jeong Kim M.S.
Ph. D at G2MAT/ Humbolt Fellow BGI, Germany

Hyo Im Kim M.S.
Ph. D at G2MAT/ Assistant Prof. Kyungsang Nat'l Univ.

Yoo Soo Yi M.S.
Ph. D at G2MAT/ Research Prof. SNU

Sun Young Park M.S.

Seoyoung Lee M.S.
Ph. D Student at G2MAT

Elias El Ghazaoui M.S.
Research Scientist at G2MAT