Sung Keun Lee, Seoul National University
Sung Keun Lee

What we have in the SKLee Lab

G2MAT Lab: From Nuclear Spins to Planetary Evolution

(Not in the SKLee Lab) Synchrotron experiments at APS, USA & X-FEL-PAL, Korea

The PI’s group has made experimental breakthroughs in high-pressure studies with element-specific probes, such as inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS a.k.a. x-ray Raman scattering, XRS) (Lee SK et al. Nature Materials. 2005; Phys. Rev. Lett. 2007; PNAS 2008; Rev. Min. Geochem, 2014; PNAS 2018; Phys. Rev. Lett. 2019; Kim et al. Geophy. Res. Lett. 2019), mainly at the beamline at Adavanced Photon Source, USA. We also utilized X-FEL-PAL starting from spring 2022. These advances reveal the details of bonding changes in glass and melts under compression and extreme friction, allowing us to account for the chemical evolution of Earth.