Sung Keun Lee, Seoul National University
Sung Keun Lee


G2MAT Lab: From Nuclear Spins to Planetary Evolution
Lee, S. K., Stebbins J. F., O atom sites in natural kaolinite and muscovite: 17O MAS and 3QMAS NMR study. American Mineralogist 88 493-500 (2003) Link
Lee, S. K., Stebbins, J. F., Nature of cation mixing and ordering in Na-Ca silicate glasses and melts. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 3141-3148 (2003) Link
Lee, S. K., Stebbins J. F., The distribution of sodium ions in aluminosilicate glasses: A high field Na-23 MAS and 3QMAS NMR Study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 1699-1709 (2003) Link
Allwardt, J., Lee, S. K., Stebbins, J. F., Bonding preferences of non-bridging O atoms: Evidence from 17O MAS and 3QMAS NMR on calcium aluminate and low-silica Ca-aluminosilicate Glass. American Mineralogist 88 949-954 (2003) Link
Lee, S. K., Stebbins, J. F., Weiss, C. W., Kirkpatrick, R. J., 17O and 27Al MAS and 3QMAS NMR study of synthetic and natural layer silicates. Chemistry of Materials 15 2605-2613 (2003) Link
Lee, S. K., Fei, W., Cody, G. D., Mysen, B. O., Order and disorder of sodium silicate glasses and melts at 10 GPa. Geophysical Research Letters 30 1845 (2003) Link
Lee, S. K., Mysen, B. O., Cody, G. D., Chemical order in mixed-cation silicate glasses and melts. Physical Review B 68 2141 (2003) Link
Lee, S. K., Stebbins, J. F., Extent of inter-mixing among framework units in silicate glasses and melts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 303-309 (2002) Link
Stebbins, J. F., Zhao, P., Lee, S. K., Oglesby, J. V., Direct observation of multiple oxygen sites in oxide glasses: recent advances from 3QMAS NMR. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 293 67-73 (2001) Link
Stebbins, J. F., Oglesby, J. V., Lee, S. K., Oxygen site in silicate glasses: a new view from oxygen-17 NMR. Chemical Geology 173 63-75 (2001) Link