Invited talk
Structure of molten oxides and glasses above megabar Pressures: Insights from high-resolution solid-state NMR and inelastic X-ray scattering
국제 슬래그학회(International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts) 한국 on-line
, 2021
Keynote talk
Amorphous oxides beyond megabar pressures
아시아-오세아니아 지구과학회(Asia-Oceania Geoscience Society) 싱가포르 on-line
, 2021
Keynote talk
Amorphous oxides beyond megabar pressures
아시아 고압학회(10th Asian Conference on High pressure Research) 한국 on-line
, 2021
Invited talk
Glasses and melts under compression: Insights from solid-state NMR
International Workshop on “Development of multi anvil technology and its applications to Earth and materials sciences” (2021.09. 22.-24.) 독일 on-line
, 2021
Invited talk
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2020 Conference
(cancellation) Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2020 Conference, Gangwon-do, Korea. Jun 2020.
, 2020
Invited talk
10th Asian Conference on High pressure Research combined with 19th International conference on high pressure semiconductor physics 3rd international workshop on high pressure study on superconductors, Jeju, Korea. Nov 2020. (cancel)
The korean cacuum society
, 2020
Invited talk
Direct probing of bonding transitions in amorphous oxides through X-ray Raman scattering and ab initio calculations
미국 Argonne 국립 연구소 Advanced Photon Source 방사광가속기 초청강연 미국 on-line
, 2020
Invited talk
Glasses beyond megaber pressures
국제 재료과학 학술대회(2020 Materials Science & Technology) 미국 on-line
, 2020
Invited talk
Oxide glasses under extreme compression above megabar pressure
제25회 국제유리학회 및 미국 세라믹학회 유리광학재료 분과회의(25th International Congress on Glass & American Ceramic Society, Glass and Optical Materials Division Conference 2019, GOMD) 미국 보스톤
, 2019
Invited talk
Structures of amorphous oxides above megabar pressures
중국 고압연구소(Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research, HPSTAR) 중국
, 2019