Sung Keun Lee, Seoul National University
Sung Keun Lee


G2MAT Lab: From Nuclear Spins to Planetary Evolution
Invited talk Glasses and melts under compression and surface
American Geophysical Union Fall meeting 2015(AGU Fall meeting), 미국 샌프란시스코(San Francisco) , 2015
Invited talk Oxide glasses under compression and 2D confinement
Glass Summit 2014 and Atomistic Simulations Workshop, 중국 우한(Wuhan) , 2014
Invited talk Network glasses under dynamic and static compression
ISNOG 2014 (International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses), 대한민국(제주도) , 2014
Invited talk International Non Crystalline Materials Conference (NCM12)
(Invited but declined) International Non Crystalline Materials Conference (NCM12), 2013.07.21. , 2013
Invited talk Structure of multi-component oxide glasses under static and shock compression
AIRAPT (International Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology), 미국 시애틀(Seattle) , 2013
Invited talk Structure of multi-component oxide glasses under static and shock compression
7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (7th IDMRCS), 스페인 바르셀로나(Barcelona) , 2013
Invited talk Multi-Component silicate glasses and melts under compression
Goldschmidt Conference 2013, 이탈리아 플로렌스(Florence) , 2013
Invited talk Pressure-induced structural transitions in multi-component oxide glasses and melts
International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (Thermec 2013), 미국 로스앤젤레스 , 2013
Invited talk Silicate magmas under compression and confinement
Univeristy of Nevada, 미국 라스베가스 , 2013
Invited talk Atomistic control of global geological and environmental processes
채프먼 대학 (Chapman University) 지구환경학전공 비공식 세미나 (School of Earth and Environ. Sci.), 미국 Orange Country , 2012